Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bombay Bicycle Club - A different Kind of Fix

Not so angry this morning - in fact had a near religious experience in the car listening to the New Bombay Bicycle Club album "A Different Kind of Fix"  on the way to work

You need to listen to this by yourself, in a quiet place, on a good stereo, with the volume turned up a bit.

Absolutely Stunning soundscapes.  The single, Shuffle is a good starting point if you aren't sure... I have listened to the whole album twice and fallen in love with nearly all of it.  Usually takes me five or six listens before I really like a whole album, but this just hangs together so well.

I am advising BUY on the Bombay Bicycle Club... BUY BUY BUY!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

FIlm Review: Kill List

Ok, warning, this review contains a REALLY big f*ckig spoiler.... in that I tell you how it ends, as much as I can understand how it ends, as unlikely as this ending may seem...

It's about a guy, his wife, his buddy and his buddy's girlfriend (who I found a little bit tasty... why are buddy's girlfriends always... ok forget that).

The guys were in the military, some sort of operation in Kiev?  I guess.

Dinner party, they all get drunk, things become combative - hmmm that never happens.

They get a job from some sort of MI5 sort of person or something that involves killing a bunch of people on a list.  Ok, first one seems to be a Priest, maybe interfered with some boys or something, next seems to be pornographer, the hammer comes out it's not pretty.

I guess there might have been another one or two on the list, maybe maybe not, I don't know it was pretty much all the same. 

They want to quit the job, they tell the MI5 guy, he says no... blah blah blah.. they have to kill an MP (member of parliament) ... they go out to the woods to do this... MPs live in woods... ok now it gets weird, the cult people come out, women naked of course, men not, inbetweeners wear wicker... are we headed for the wicker man?  maybe.

The guys watch, the culty type people hang a woman, the guys start shooting, the cult people follow them into a cave, they kill the main guys friend, the main guy.. his name might be Stan, gets away back home, the cult people follow him.  He keeps shooting them, they knock him out, the wife starts shooting them... it all goes black, not that you could see much before then anyway.  Back to cult people, the Hunchback this scene is called, Stan has a knife fight with a hunchback in a sheet.... Oh, he kills it, Oh! it's actually his wife with their child on her back...hmmm, didn't see that coming...

End of movie.

82% of critics liked this movie... well, that just goes to prove what I have always thought about critics.

I never saw Blare Witch Project, but I can't imagine that it was worse than this... 

There is so much wrong with this movie - and they are hyping it like the end is a real big deal.  It's not, it's a bunch of gratuitous violence, not that I mind that sort of thing - but it's just poorly put together, the sound volumes are crap in that you can't hear half of it - not the cinemas fault, and it just makes no sense whatsoever ... to me anyway, I just don't see the point.

The total incompetence of O2

So it all came to a head yesterday. After three weeks of not being able to use the 3G on my IPad, I switched providers from O2 to Orange.

The total and complete inability of O2 to help me on this was deplorable.

3 weeks ago, the debit card that I used to set up me O2 account got cloned so bank cancelled and gave me a new one. So O2 can't take money off card. Fair enough, I call them to try and put it right.. The only way is for me to log into my account. No can do. Doesn't like my password, call them back. Email address is correct, do "forgot password" - tells me they have no record of my email - but (probably pimply) phone support pe-on says that they do have my email address. Pimply Phone Support PPS discovers I haven't got my mac to hand and then assures me that when I next sync with iTunes all will be well. PPS will call me on my mobile to make sure all is well - bullshit.

3 days later finally get chance to sync with mac . No discernible change, back on phone to another PPS, so many of them. He knows what the problem is... But mysteriously won't tell me...but at 4pm tells me he has fixed it but I need to wait about 4 hours, try it again, and then it will work - oldest trick in the PPS book, stall them until the help line closes.

Off to France for Paris Brest Paris. Get SFR SIM, works perfectly in IPad.
Want to stay in France where iPad works on 3G!

Back a week later to the battle on the home front. Go thru scripts with PPS again, restore my iPad lose all my lovely home page setup setup, boohoo, still doest work.

Go to O2 shop. They give me a new SIM, ok that must be going to fix it, go home put SIM in - O2 popup message tells me device is not registered, sync with iTunes, not registered, restore, not registered, call number on popup - diverted from dept to dept, the message actually says to call the number and give them the device ID which is about 16 digits - no one ever even asks for this number - PPS uses own brain now instead of support script. If it's not the SIM, then it must be the iPad. Ok cos I have already made an appointment at the genius bar... Take it to apple, this is the third one he has seen this week... Nothing wrong with iPad, well, I knew that too. What to do? London- big city - many stores - go back to O2 shop, tell them to fix it NOW! Specialist not available till Monday - YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU CAN KEEP YOUR F*CKING SIM

Go next door to Orange shop, very nice guy promises that for the same price as O2 he will have my iPad working on 3G, same contract - which isn't really a contract as I can get out any time for nothing after 30 days - in 20 minutes. And he does, and I am now a happy Orange customer and get
2 for 1 cinema tickets on Wednesdays to boot!

People, rise up, stand on your hind legs and vote with your feet. O2 is the first and there will be more to come cos we are fighting back, and we are f*cking angry, and we ain't gonna take it no more!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Home , bed

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

why Angry of Muswell Hill?

You may be wondering, "Why Angry of Muswell Hill?"  because.

At times I have to admit to getting up onto a pretty high horse.  I go off on rants of one flavour or another - sometimes seriously, sometimes as a joke.  I can come off as a cranky old fart sometimes.  Sometimes, indeed I am!  So, my wonderful wife Suzanne coined the phrase after one of my rants "By: Angry of Muswell Hill"  and as I am sure that at times I will user this blog to enter angry missives - in fact as my primary outlet of steam - I have named it Angry of Muswell Hill. 

So there!

The Finish

Sorry for the delay folks - phone died... I did make it - hooked up with a peloton and did the last 40km avg 27km/ph (quite fast) in close formation, in the dark! High point of the ride! All the control stamps in my book. It's official. Those of you that sponsored me at

bill-Paris-Brest-Paris certainly got their monies worth - I may need a wheelchair today!
    • Adam Wilkinson Well done geezer, can't wait to see your video footage! Will stock up on the cookie tin for when you get back. lol.25 August at 10:41 · Like
    • Ian Heath Well done Mon Sewer. London to Brighton will be a cycle in the park after this...25 August at 11:33 · Like

    • Garry Swinburn
      I bow in your honour a truly herculean effort of immensity vaster than immenseness itself, I hope post your recovery you really feel quite proud of yourself, I...... am not worthy, well done sir!25 August at 11:46 · Like · 1 person

Frenh Bread...

Diabolical French bread the found half paper half bread. Not exactly easy finding a cafe at 2am.. 360 km to go. Knee hurts some groups actually smell too bad to ride with, outside in a stiff breeze, phew. German friends frame broke while I was riding beside him, not great believer in prayer - but today- please let me have few and simple mechanical problems!

  • Joy Martin Wise So proud to know you!24 August at 02:33 · Like
  • Michael Hawkins Home straight, your doing a grand job - keep your wits about you and your spirits high!24 August at 06:26 · Like · 1 person

  • Adam Wilkinson Not the same as your midnight munching, cookies and snickers bar! Go on the cookie monster!24 August at 10:43 · Like

    • Garry Swinburn The epic tale becomes simply more epic and outstanding..... routing for you all the way buddy!24 August at 19:55 · Like

Dreux - motor function problems

felt an urge to have 20 minutes sunbathing as couldn't stay on road anymore- finally at last control. Only need one more stamp in my book! Sorry for quality of video. I'm having some trouble with general motor functions. See you all at the finish :-)

Fougeres - croq Monsieur ?

Heaven on earth. Off to do the last 220k. 

Every little French town has a boulangerie ( balery - spelled something like that..). And they all start baking their bread @ 4:30 am .. And I was going through like 20 of them this morning... I nearly stopped to try and get some!!!

Added 24 August · Like ·
    • hat looks like a COLD beer, not like the maid in muswell hill24 August at 10:21 · Like

The French, god bless

The French nation has humbled me - their appreciation of all things cycling from young to old is so refreshing - people are out on the streets at 2am cheering, stopping traffic, children want to slap hands with me and bring crepes and water . Once again proving france is the coolest place on earth.

    • Rick Marcus I think you should avoid the Gauloise.24 August at 05:22 · Like · 1 person

        • Suzanne Hamilton I totally agree, the French are great. I just got a thumbs up and "Bon francais" in the shop after I made all my purchases in French. Good luck, you'll be here in Paris soon, I can't wait!24 August at 09:34 · Like · 2 people

Brest in 34 hours

Made Brest on 34 hours - no one expected the Spanish inquisition. Brutal. 5500 meters of climbing so far and my shorts feel like sandpaper. Goin to grab 2 horus kip till it's light and warm and start the struggle in reverse. Don't anybody effing call this a holiday!

    • Joy Martin Wise You're a good man, Bill Dossett!23 August at 05:59 · Like
    • Rick Marcus holy cow. I thought the drive to work was tough. You look tired.23 August at 06:43 · Like · 1 person
    • Michael Hawkins Great going, keep it up as we're all rooting for you!!23 August at 07:17 · Like · 1 person
    • Ian Heath Good stuff, keep spinning Bill.23 August at 08:06 · Like
    • Richard Butler Fair play Bill, you look totaly fingered!!!23 August at 08:48 · Like
    • Suzanne Hamilton Way to go. It will all be worth it in the end so hang in there!23 August at 08:56 · Like
    • Garry Swinburn Epic....... Bill you da man!23 August at 08:58 · Like

    • Darren Kelly U look like u have had a night in the maid with danny rooney lol keep it going me old mate and don't worry about the sand paper it will wear out.23 August at 09:17 · Like
    • Adam Wilkinson Good on ya Bill, stay strong!23 August at 09:44 · Like
    • Steve Slalom bill, you look f***ed23 August at 10:14 · Like
    • Rob Perrie youre looking good grandad23 August at 12:05 · Like
    • Clive Freedman You look like crap! But amazing effort. Just think how smooth yr arse must be now with all that sandpaper. 23 August at 23:17 · Like
    • William Dossett Darren, my bum is way harder than sandpaper!25 August at 16:40 · Like

Start of PBP

William Dossett
At the start of Paris brest Paris . About an hour to go. Much panic when thought car with bike was sealed in the carpark!!!

Garry Swinburn Go bill go!!!
22 August at 16:56 · Like

Suzanne Hamilton It looks like he passed the last stage before Brest at 8:43pm so I take it my mad husband is going all the way to Brest tonight. Anything for a comfy bed and a glass of wine rather than sanviches and a survival blanket, eh Bill?
22 August at 20:47 · Like · 1 person

Paris Brest Paris 2011

Before I totally forget what Paris Brest Paris was really like:


To track myself... so lets get that info down here first:

Track the frame number : 5625

21-08 20:00
0 km/h
0.1 km/h
22-08 04:43
25.3 km/h
25.3 km/h
22-08 08:50
24.2 km/h
21.7 km/h
0 km/h
0.1 km/h
22-08 15:43
22.8 km/h
6553.5 km/h
22-08 20:39
21.3 km/h
15.4 km/h
23-08 06:28
17.9 km/h
9.5 km/h
23-08 13:43
16.8 km/h
11.7 km/h
23-08 18:42
16.7 km/h
15.9 km/h
23-08 22:17
17.2 km/h
23.7 km/h
24-08 05:24
16 km/h
7.6 km/h
24-08 10:21
16.2 km/h
17.8 km/h
24-08 13:59
16.5 km/h
22.3 km/h
24-08 18:33
16.5 km/h
16.4 km/h
24-08 22:04
16.6 km/h
18.5 km/h
Kilomètres parcourus: 1230

So, step by step 

SQY to Villaines-La-Juhel - This was 140 KM, very long stage.  We were standing around for at leat 3 hours before they let us start - by the time we got away I was so hopped up on sports drinks I was ready to fly. We came out of our pen in a group of about 400... with a couple of motobikes leading us through SQY.  This went on for a while, I noticed the front of the group split off and start to take off and that didn't sit well with me, so I picked up my own pace about 10K out from the start and set a pace that would get me onto the front peloton in about 4-5 minutes.  After about 3 minutes, I looked back and saw I was pulling a train of about 15 riders or so :-) ok, no problem.  A few minutes later we were on the back of the front pelo - I got a big pat on the back from an Italian rider for pulling the train - VERY HIGH POINT of the ride!  We did a few hills, long flat stretches, darkness fell, lights came on must have done around 50K or so when we started to hit some rolling hills, these posed no problems and we just kept mashing them.  I had music on, never feel very sociable when I'm night riding. I guess there was a feed stop, as I remember it I stopped at a little cafe with an outdoor kiosk got a beer and maybe filled my water bottles and continued. Slightly worried in the back of my mind that perhaps I was setting too high of a pace!

Got to Villaines-La-Juel got stamped quite quickly - just one long street got up the end, turned right straight up into a climb and as I remember it was pretty much rollers all the way to Fougeres during which time the sun came up.  Tinteniac was next, rolled in, stamp, coffee and rolled out and into a climb up to to a small village on a hill... near the top, saw a tabac open - sandwich and couple of beers and I was feeling like I could go the rest of the day... bit more climb bit of flat on the top of the hill and down the other side - couple on a tandem with Just Married sign on the back - American, and they were just married, chatted with them for a bit about how that had come about, I got this on my headcam but haven't looked at it yet.  Then came a very long straight flat road, quite hot and a little headwind.  Well it wasn't quite flat, just barely uphill, sucked the life out of my legs.  Got to Loudeac and after Loudeac, is when the worst of the of the rollers hit me... consistently uphill long climbs, long climb up to a small village where I finally got some bananas onboard, but it was nearly too late.  There was a feed point in a village and found out it was pretty much flat after that to Carhaix - I was not having much fun at this point and had thoughts of just getting to Brest and getting a train back.  Decided I needed some sleep.

Carhaix, ate, had a couple of glasses of the vin rouge to relax and down to the gym - I was very disorganised at this point, trying to get changes of clothes and everything I needed to shower, still pumped up, asked to be woke up at 2am (3 hours later) woke up at 1:30 I think and just got up and showered changed clothes, it had been raining, but seemed to have stopped, so out I went.  Loaded up the bike and took off quite slowly in the dark, missed a turn but not far back, climbed up and down on small road in the woods, the Hope light batteries finally run out - it just stops no warning, but flipped on my Exposure and head lights stopped changed batteries and on my way again, down hill a bit and onto a bigger road and the start of several fairly big climbs. Not steep, but you could always see a little red light up and ahead.. so you know you are still going up and up and up.  Foggy, got in a group, couldn't descend quickly as no visiblity with the fog and cloud.  Had to point light straight down, no fun being on the front of group when it's like that.  Diverted off big road and back to smaller roads again, that finally brought us in sight of Brest, but still 16K or so to go on the GPS, had to circumnavigate the harbour and then UP hill to the control.

Brest, I was wiped out, sandwich beer, no sleep pads left so got out the emergency space blanket, lay down on floor with compression bag as pillow and slept for an hour, woke up, peering out from under the blanket, saw wet people coming in - don't want to get up, lots of foil packages sleeping on floor, another half hour sleep, up - rolling up thru brest, found cafe with croisant and proper coffee, rolling, not feeling bad, hey we are on the way HOME!!!!  Retracing some of the hills from the night before, see how big they are in daylight, forest of something, La Foret... stunning views... closest to a mechanical up on one of the summits when the base layer I wrapped around my saddle bag and compression bags came off and into my rear derailleur - stopped pedalling immediately and got off, no harm done other than a bit of oil on the base layer that I woud subsequently get on myself at the next sleep stop.

Up to Carhaix and off again, dreading this next section as it was really hilly on the way in... turns out it WAS mostly uphill and on the way back mostly downhill.. but, oh no, first climb and the back of my right knee started to feel not right.  Over 500K to go on a knee that's not right?  Neurofen, stretching stopped at village and had TWO sausage sandwiches and beers, and continued, knee felt ok as long as I didn't hammer too hard on it.

Long decent into Loudeac.. Stamp, rolling again against advice of wife.  Going to make Tintineac before it's too late and try and find a pizza place.  Long flat slightly downhill this time and really setting a stonking pace!  Follwing two Germans that were eating up the kilometers.  Met up with another German that dropped back and said they were a little too quick for him, sensibile I thought and finally had my first real conversation.  Was quite happy as I had found someone I could ride and talk to when after less than 15 minutes, loud noise - still don't really know what happened but he had a crack in his chainstay near the bottom bracket.  It was ridable, but not safe at the speeds we were doing, so he urged me to carry on... I did want to get to Tinteniac and get a bed there, so I took off at high speed, secret control somewhere - I had a small glass of Vin Rouge and tried my Frech with the locals, got on quite well.  Back on the road really a long straight flat road, finally the climb to the village and over the hill with descent to Tinteniac.  Bummer, no pizza place, nothing open in Tintineac.  So more control food (the bread in the sandwiches was diabolical and the same at all the contols - not real baguettes!) and booked into dorm for 3 hours sleep, meant to get up at 2:30am, read watch wrong and by the time I was showered and dressed and ready to go realise it's only 1:30 and I've only slept for 2 hours.  Oh well, awake and ready to go now, off in the dark. Quite slow, knee hurting again, just plodding along.. will it every get light?  Fougere contol at 5:30ish no sign of light, stamp and off again. Paces dropped now, knee huring, loads of hills.  Get to Villain-La-Juhel still not light really, can't find control, obviously GPS had trouble with this,  I came up on it the wrong direction, but got there, got stamp, and headed out - too early for cafe open yet, tired of control food, stopped at bank to get money, start climbing about 15 hills a I reckon down to village with cafe with bikes in front of it on the corner, sucked into it, two coffees,  Pain au chocolate and an apple tart, needed that - up hill again.. woman comes by me and smiles as she passes me. American, I have to hold my tongue to stop from explaining to her that I don't normally have people pass me going up hills and even less likely that it would be a woman... but the fact was that my knee felt like it was going to blow up unless I spun in the lowest of gears slowly up hills... it was all i could do.. then got on the back of a spanish threesome and big decent out of the hills and in to flats with occasional hills.

Quite a fast pace all the way to mortange-au-perche... they had a lot going on in town with an MC etc who commented on my helmet camera.  I got done with that, thru into the town square, picked the best looking cafe and had TWO croq Messieurs and two demi beers in the sun, feeling quite good again, but more brutal climbing to come now all the way to Dreux, climb up then more climbing, GPS says have climbed over 10000meters now, so it should be flat right?  Wrong, turns out there is just under 11000 meters total climb, plenty left, climbing up thru woods.. got the dozies, have to pull over lay down take off shoes and lay with eyes closed int he sun, didn't really sleep but it help and next village, nicotine gum (I used to smoke and while quitting found that nicotine is actually a quite useful drug for concentration on long driving trips!) and redbull - does the trick and gets my into Dreux, last control before the end, 65 k to go and we set out on little roads through flat fields, finally some easy riding, 40K out, the GPS battery gave up, no life left in either porta pow USB charger either, group of 6 french riders came by and I grabbed a wheel and that was it to the end pretty much, dark narrow streets riding very close together - not safe, but very fun... St Quentin en Yvelines is a big town hit the edge of it and still over 8K to go, recognise some bits but just following the arrows now as no GPS... flat anyway, some traffic, but finally through the comercial centre and the last right turn into the home stretch.  I can see the roundabout - coming in very HOT around it, thought we would get a bit of a straight and under an inflatable but no they just pulled us straight in, I hear Suzanne yell, but I'm going to get my stamp... I am so finished.  Big hug from Suzanne, stamp, pictures, done.  Back to car, fell into hedge on the way, not really all there at the moment, got packed into car quite quickly, and GPS took us to the hotel in Paris perfectly. Late, everything closed but finally found Pizza Pino on the Champs Elysee for the best food I've ever tasted.   Back to hotel and sleep until 10am next morning.  I've done it, 74 hours and 10 minutes. Nearly 16 hours in hand at the finish and an extra day to enjoy in Paris because of it.

Was I prepared enough?  No, I should have done at LEAST one hilly 600 a few weeks before.  The 600 I did to qualify was not hilly enough.  The sheer amount of rolling hills just knocked me out.  I need to investigate my knee problem - doctor visit I tomorrow I would guess.

That's the way it was as I remember it, I'm going to copy all my facebook posting into the blog next to try and keep everything in one place.