Sunday, September 4, 2011

FIlm Review: Kill List

Ok, warning, this review contains a REALLY big f*ckig spoiler.... in that I tell you how it ends, as much as I can understand how it ends, as unlikely as this ending may seem...

It's about a guy, his wife, his buddy and his buddy's girlfriend (who I found a little bit tasty... why are buddy's girlfriends always... ok forget that).

The guys were in the military, some sort of operation in Kiev?  I guess.

Dinner party, they all get drunk, things become combative - hmmm that never happens.

They get a job from some sort of MI5 sort of person or something that involves killing a bunch of people on a list.  Ok, first one seems to be a Priest, maybe interfered with some boys or something, next seems to be pornographer, the hammer comes out it's not pretty.

I guess there might have been another one or two on the list, maybe maybe not, I don't know it was pretty much all the same. 

They want to quit the job, they tell the MI5 guy, he says no... blah blah blah.. they have to kill an MP (member of parliament) ... they go out to the woods to do this... MPs live in woods... ok now it gets weird, the cult people come out, women naked of course, men not, inbetweeners wear wicker... are we headed for the wicker man?  maybe.

The guys watch, the culty type people hang a woman, the guys start shooting, the cult people follow them into a cave, they kill the main guys friend, the main guy.. his name might be Stan, gets away back home, the cult people follow him.  He keeps shooting them, they knock him out, the wife starts shooting them... it all goes black, not that you could see much before then anyway.  Back to cult people, the Hunchback this scene is called, Stan has a knife fight with a hunchback in a sheet.... Oh, he kills it, Oh! it's actually his wife with their child on her back...hmmm, didn't see that coming...

End of movie.

82% of critics liked this movie... well, that just goes to prove what I have always thought about critics.

I never saw Blare Witch Project, but I can't imagine that it was worse than this... 

There is so much wrong with this movie - and they are hyping it like the end is a real big deal.  It's not, it's a bunch of gratuitous violence, not that I mind that sort of thing - but it's just poorly put together, the sound volumes are crap in that you can't hear half of it - not the cinemas fault, and it just makes no sense whatsoever ... to me anyway, I just don't see the point.

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